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College Relief Fund Scholarship Program
Popular Questions

Who is Eligible?

  1. Eligibility is open to select Nigerian students schooling in accredited Universities, Polytechnics  / Monotechnics and Colleges of Education (public or private) within the country. See List of Eligible Institutions.
  2. All levels of undergraduate, polytechnic and COE in the Eligible Institutions List are allowed.
  3. Student must not have undergone academic probation at any time due to poor grades.

I have LOGIN Issues

If you have login issues, you can RESET your password.

If the pages reloads while using your correct password without logging you in, try a Different browser, Device or switch Data Network temporarily.

Is Registration Free?

Yes! Registration and Enrollment for the scholarship program is free.
Document Verification and Aptitude Test will also be FREE for all pre-selected candidates.

Going forward, no student is expected to make any payment for any service regarding the scholarship.

What is the Application Process?

  1. Register or Login to the portal.
  2. Enroll in the scholarship program for FREE on your Dashboard.
  3. Refer and Follow us for updates. (From time to time, referral will be incentivized)

How much is the scholarship?

Beneficiaries of the scholarship will receive a need-based endowment grant of up to N500,000.00 to cover tuition fees, accommodation and general expenses. The grant is expected to be an annual grant to be re-accessed based on academic improvement, changes in financial status and other parameters as may be appropriate to determine the awardee’s needs.

How many people will benefit?

The initial scholarship funding we received is targeted to impact an estimated 2400 students spread over 4 batches. Our current financial grant is intended to be spread over four academic semesters in two academic calendar period.
There will be a continuous reassessment based on available funds and students needs.

I have Problem Enrolling.

See the Step By Step on enrolling for the Scholarship during open enrollment period.

Help with Enlisting & Doc. Verification

See the Enlisting Guide for help with the Enlisting and Document Verification Process for Pre-Selected candidates.

When will Pre-Selection Start?

Pre-Selection usually starts 1 week after the close of Enrollment. All applications will be vetted and all applicants will get an email with the status of their enrollment.

When will be the Aptitude Test?

Aptitude Test dates are announced and Pre-Selected candidates will chose from a list of days to conduct their tests online. There can be up to 100 persons per day only for each day of the test.

What is the nature of the Aptitude Test?

The online test will comprise of 10 multiple choice questions each from three categories. Applicants will have 15munites to answer the questions. The test will be e-proctored via your browser.

Why wasn't I asked for my State of Origin?

All applicants will be vetted individually and impartially irrespective of their state of origin, tribe, religion or any other social groupings.

When will i upload my documents and Account number?

Only Pre-Selected applicants will be required to upload their documents for verification and provide their account details in case of final selection for scholarship disbursement.

How long will the Scholarship last?

Scholarship endowment disbursed to students are expected to be annually. This is subject to review based on students’ improvement during the scholarship period.

Will I write an essay?

No. However, you will have to fill a free enrollment form with all information needed and a short statement of need.

Is this related to Covid-19?

No. The funding grant to run the College Relief Fund was secured long before the Covid-19 pandemic and was intended to kickoff in early 2020. However, the closure of educational institutions put all plans on hold until resumption.

Is College Relief Fund a scam?

This is a legitimate Private Sector & INGO backed scholarship program to encourage higher education in Nigeria.It is funded by corporate and individual philanthropy trusts such as the World Vision program, Scheinberg Trust and USAID among others.

Funding was made possible through the partnership of the African Capital Digest and the Growfund platform.

Similar programs will be expanded into other major African countries in the near future.

Why do I have to Refer?

As a partner funded organization, 100% of our funds are earmarked for direct disbursement. This means we don’t have a budget for administrative costs nor marketing and publicity. We therefore rely on applicants to help us reach a larger pool of prospective awardees in need of scholarship grants.

Why should I Follow on Social Media?

Our social media platforms are an important medium of disseminating information regarding milestones, updates and more.

Secured Funding
Target Applicant Pool
Scholarship Awardees
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